When you start shopping for a car, you might be more concerned with additional features and specialty paint jobs than you are about the monthly bill. Unfortunately, the wrong financing can cost you dearly. Compound interest never sleeps, which means that you might be paying much more than you should if you work with the wrong lender. I want to help you to make great financial decisions, which is why I created this website. However, if you can remember a few tricks and keep those payments to a minimum, you can drive away with the car of your dreams without breaking the bank.
The long days of summer are here, and it's time to make the most of them. If the balance in your bank account doesn't match your summer to-do list, check out a few ways that you can fund your summer fun.
1. Sell Some Items You Don't Need Anymore
If your home is overrun with items that you don't use or need anymore, it is time to go through your belongings and sell what you don't use. Not only will you get some cash for summer activities, but you'll de-clutter your home at the same time. When you have a bunch of large ticket items, like furniture, electronics, or recreational vehicles, you will likely get the most money by posting the items on a resale site.
Yard sales are a terrific option if you have a bunch of smaller items to get rid of, such as clothes, books, toys, accessories, home decor, DVDs, and video games. To bring in as much dough as possible, make sure you advertise before your sale and hold it in a spot with a lot of traffic.
2. Take Out a Payday Loan
There may be an occasion where you have the opportunity to participate in a meaningful summer outing, but you don't get paid for a couple of days. Once you get paid, you'll have the money you need for the outing. Should this situation arise, consider taking out a payday loan.
When you take out instant approval loans, you write the payday lender a post-dated check for the amount of the loan plus any applicable fees. The lender does not cash the check until the specified date. In the meantime, you get the cash that you need to make some amazing summer memories.
Payday loans do not require a credit check; instead, you just need to be able to prove that you are employed.
3. Split the Cost with Friends
One way to instantly cut the costs of your summer outings is to make it a group outing. For example, imagine that you are anxious to spend a weekend at the beach. You can rent a condo that sleeps 6 people for $150 a night. If you pay for the condo by yourself and plan to stay three nights, this is $450. However, if you split the cost with a couple of your friends, your portion is only $150.
Even for ticketed events, like concerts or plays, you may be able to buy a group pack of tickets at a lower per-ticket cost than if you purchase single tickets.