When you start shopping for a car, you might be more concerned with additional features and specialty paint jobs than you are about the monthly bill. Unfortunately, the wrong financing can cost you dearly. Compound interest never sleeps, which means that you might be paying much more than you should if you work with the wrong lender. I want to help you to make great financial decisions, which is why I created this website. However, if you can remember a few tricks and keep those payments to a minimum, you can drive away with the car of your dreams without breaking the bank.
As you undergo the process to refinance your mortgage, it seems fairly simple: find a new mortgage, get approved, and sign the closing documents. However, during your refinancing journey, there are numerous tasks you need to do to ensure you get the best terms for your mortgage. Here are a few items you should always do when refinancing your home.
1. Shop Around
It literally pays to shop around when you are refinancing your mortgage. Don't feel like you have to stick with the same lender who currently holds your mortgage. Instead, see what multiple banks and lending institutions can offer you.
Some may have programs that offer credits or closing-cost assistance to certain buyers. Both of these items make refinancing more affordable.
Interest rates and the available mortgage programs also vary at each financial institution. For example, some lenders have special programs for state employees.
2. Understand the True Costs of the Mortgage
When you're applying for a mortgage, there are several costs to consider.
The first is the interest rate. Your interest rate expense varies based on your interest rate and the balance of your mortgage. Mortgages are available with fixed and variable interest rates.
Your second cost to take into account is the closing costs associated with taking out the mortgage. This includes any points that you pay in exchange for a lower interest rate.
A third item to evaluate is the cost of primary mortgage insurance, or PMI. If you do not have at least 80 percent equity in your home, it is common to have to pay PMI. However, some banks permit you to forgo PMI in exchange for a higher interest rate. To see which situation is best for you, you have to crunch the numbers.
3. Minimize Your Use of Credit
One of the most important factors that lenders use when deciding whether or not to extend credit is your credit report. You want to keep your credit score the same throughout the refinancing process, or even improve it if possible.
For example, avoid taking out new loans or making large purchases using your existing credit cards or lines of credit. Both of these activities may reduce your credit score.
Make all of your payments on time to avoid derogatory marks.
When you want to get a better mortgage, completing a few simple tasks can save you thousands of dollars. Invest a little bit of time to ensure your mortgage terms are as favorable as possible. For more advice on how to get a better mortgage, contact a company like I Want A Better Mortgage.